Category: Abs Tips

Beginner Ab Workout

Tips on Beginners Ab Workout

If you are just starting on exercising your abs, it is wise to do it moderately. Beginners ab workout is aimed mainly at building muscles and trimming down the excess fat. As the abdominal...

Lose the Belly Fat

Learn How to Lose the Belly Fat

Losing belly fat is a growing trend among people these days. Nobody likes to have a protruding belly. As we all know, belly fat the most dangerous kind of fat in the body apart...

Best Ab Exercises

Best Ab Exercises to Melt Away the Fat

Anyone who wants to find the best ab exercises, which can literally help him or her to get rid of the belly fat for good, must know that the ab routines are very different,...

Perfect abs

3 myths about perfect abs

Myths about perfect abs are dominating because people keep them alive. They can be not only deceptive, but even dangerous for your health. The most popular myths about perfect abs, for example, enforce people to...

15 tips for perfect abs

Everybody wants to get a toned, flat abs. Spend a few weeks following these tips and a defined stomach could be yours in no time. Trim the fat You could get a six-pack Peter...

Get Flat Abs Fast

Try these exercises to get flat abs fast from Leandro Carvahlo, creator of Equinox Fitness Clubs’ Brazilian Tummy Tuck class, four times a week for results in a month. Tummy Curls Works: horizontal ab...